where is v0.3 downloaded from?
Its not on this site:
Found it:
where is v0.3 downloaded from?
Its not on this site:
Found it:
Tell me if you make it work with flypool
Hi, I’ve been mining on http://zcash.flypool.org/ using ethOS since yesterday. My GPUs were dropping from mining all night.Restarted them more than three and a half hours ago. Pool stats show much lower hash rate than my ethosdistro panel. On my panel it says “338.6 total hash”, but in the pool i only get 171.9H/s, about half. Yesterday while the pool was working my pool hashrate and my reported hashrate on ethos panel were much more similar, about 10% less on the pool.
tried using -l (full flypool address) but its hard coded for nicehash
0.2 seems to be the most up to date for flypool
If you use Windows you can use the .exe of 0.2 and the other files from 0.3a … works for me
I am getting very few shares accepted with my cpu, sometimes even stale, using nheqminer, on suprnova i get much more accepted shares, with flypool i only get a lot of new jobs and now and then shares accepted, my sol/s is 15sol/s
Our pool difficulty is higher compared to suprnovas. There is nothing to worry about, with us you will just submit less shares but they have a higher value.
Oh ok, will i make more zec too?
Share difficulty has nothing to do with your expected income. This is just determined by your hashrate.
ooh ok, so expected income for 50sol/s? And another thing, i am not getting the right hash rate on the website, it is like half of what i am actually getting?
I think everyone is having that issue. my reported hash on the website is about 40% less than what the miners say.
If it goes on like this it will be hard to predict earnings and i do not want to waste time on flypool if it is not going to be worth it.
Pool seems to be doing alot better now tho
We will shortly deploy a new statistics module after which your hashrate on the pool should be displayed accurately again.
ATTENTION: The new module will cause your displayed shares to decrease as we now aggregate them over the last 10 minutes compared to the last hour. This will not affect your earnings!
I think there is something wrong with reported statistics (hopefully it’s just the display).
I’ve checked the logs of my Linux nheqminer:
$ grep 2016-11-02 flypool.log | grep Speed | wc
5143 51430 525598
$ grep 2016-11-02 flypool.log | grep Speed | awk '{print $9}' | egrep '^[0-9]\.' | wc
104 104 708
$ grep 2016-11-02 flypool.log | grep Speed | awk '{print $9}' | egrep -v '^[0-9]\.' | wc
5007 5007 36420
$ grep 2016-11-02 flypool.log | grep Speed | awk '{print $9}' | egrep '11\.' | wc
635 635 4654
$ grep 2016-11-02 flypool.log | grep Invalid | wc
7 77 821
IOW, from 5143 measurements of speed today, 2% have been below 10H/s, 12% 11H/s or higher and the rest between 10 and 11. So clearly the average hash rate should be above 10 (and there were onl 7 invalid shares).
But when I look at the graphs for this worker:
You can never expect to see exactly the same figures pool side that you see local. On the pool your hashrate is calculated according to the shares your miner submits. This process is prone to variance (mining luck) and also local mining inefficiencies (start/stop of your worker on each new job, etc…).
@peter_zcash My stats are always like 1 Hour behind whats going on. If i quit one miner it Shows this miner for another hour or so. Even if the stats are updating ist always a bit late…
It takes some time for the miner to time out. Usually miners prefer to see dead workers for a longer period of time so that they can pinpoint when the worker goes down.
Cool. Is it better than 0.2 version ?
Genoil has released Version 0.6 of his miner which contains stability improvements. You might want to give it a try if you are having issues with your current version.