Zcash's current performance issues are frustrating

Currently we’re working in parallel on zcashd, the DAG-sync algorithm and implementation, the iOS mobile SDK, the Android mobile SDK, and fee changes.

  • zcashd 5.3.0 will address more memory and performance issues with syncing and scanning;
  • there will be releases of the mobile SDKs (first iOS, then Android) that change APIs and are necessary to prepare for the DAG sync;
  • then, there will be mobile SDK releases that implement DAG sync, which will greatly improve latency before a wallet is usable again after it has fallen behind the current chain tip;
  • the fee changes in ZIP 317 are intended to make the sandblasting more expensive. Wallets can implement and deploy these as soon as the ZIP is finalized, which should be fairly soon. That also applies to zcashd’s internal wallet and the mobile SDKs. The enforcement of the higher fees by miners will follow later (we’re thinking of a probabilistic enforcement mechanism that will throttle the rate of both spam transactions, and transactions from not-upgraded wallets).