
I want to use multiple zcash.conf files
?1) does the secondary zcash.conf need to be located in .zcash?
?2) can the secondary zcash.conf be named zcash2.conf?
?3) can I locate it in any of the home directories?
?4) could anyone provide command examples for secondary or third .conf files

zcashd on debian
This is what I used, and received = missing conf file in the terminal
./src/zcashd --daemon -zconf=/home/admin/zcash.conf

Thanks advanced time

I had an issue with the conf file on 4.1.1, said it wasnā€™t there even though it was but to be fair the computer may not be in proper order (video driver hiccup) and may not have built correctly though I think it did, Iā€™ll try again hopefully this weekend
(Ordered a dms59 adapter because I suspect the s-vid 7-pin output doesnā€™t like the 4-pin cable and input, donā€™t have a 7-pin monitor so I need to wait otherwise it freezes)


The config option to specify a configuration file is -conf, not -zconf.

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dms59 adapter worked for the video freeze issue :+1: but why it doesnā€™t see the conf idk, almost seems like an OS problem so Iā€™m gonna reinstall everything (this was a fresh dedicated node so no big deal) and weā€™ll see what happens
Hopefully this aboveā˜ā€™zconfā€™ was the other reason but this is default location unspecified so idk

Yeah it was just my linux ineptitude and I wasnt root (the auto login and pswrd to login are rather different experiences lol) but all good now, the working file name is ā€˜apsotropheā€™ denoted so maybe thats actionable here idk

If it helps anyone:
0) its not -zconf= , its -conf=

  1. my first error was not understanding I had to keep a zcash.conf file inside .zcash directory
  2. create new zcash.conf where ever you want. Here are a few examples I used:
  3. ./src/zcashd --daemon -conf=/home/admin/.zcash26/zcash3.conf -datadir=/home/admin/.zcash26
  4. ./src/zcashd --daemon -conf=/home/admin/.zcash26/zcash3.conf -datadir=/home/admin/.zcash26 -wallet=/home/admin/wallet_1.dat

Side note: I had to keep the same rpcuser and rpcpassword in the originial ./zcash/zcash.conf inside the new zcash3.conf

My conf is outside zcash dir just hanging out in the home directory because of the wonky root privlidges, there is no zcash/zcash.conf because (for me) it doesnā€™t recognize any file there named that anyways, I assume, for said reason but idk

Hmm, this seems like a bug. The intent of the ā€œyou must have a config fileā€ behaviour (as the error message states) is that we arenā€™t assuming anything about your config, so you need to have one (even if empty). You manually specifying -conf should only change the path the existence of which is checked.

I can attest to 4.1.1 not requiring as much, my conf is outside the zcash dir and there is no zcash.conf present in the zcash dir, I think Ubuntu builds are just funny sometimes