Zec qt wallet - pls help!

It took me 12 hours but
it is working really fast now after it got synced. Everything from Exodus to ZecWallet t address and within the ZecWallet t to z, it is really fast.
My question now, if I turn my computer off, will it take me really long again to get connected?

That depends on how long you leave it switched off :wink:

It will have to download/sync all the blocks that it missed, but it wont take long as this time.

My CP is always connected to the internet, always on.
Is there a way, I can utilize my cp connection to the internet to make a link to the ZecWallet on my laptop so that if my CP has ZecWallet (android) that is always on, then I’m always connected.
But first of all, is there a ZecWallet for Androids?

Yup, here y’go, its on Google Play :slight_smile:

The app connects to your desktop wallet, get ZecWallet to show the pairing code & scan it with the android app.

That sounds good. Thank you very much.
One last question.

Will the laptop need to be “on” and connected for the Android ZecWallet to work?
I mean if I’m out of the house, will the laptop need to be on and connected in my house for the android to work out there?

Yes, your desktop wallet will have to be running.

There will also be a new Android wallet soon - keep an eye on the forum for news of the ‘reference wallet’.

Thank you very much!