I was able to download and install it.
I tried to send from “t” address to the qt wallet “z” receive address but Exodus or Ledger nano will not do it.
What is Pay zcash URI?
What import private key?
What is export private ket?
I was able to download and install it.
I tried to send from “t” address to the qt wallet “z” receive address but Exodus or Ledger nano will not do it.
What is Pay zcash URI?
What import private key?
What is export private ket?
Exodus and Ledger will only send to transparent (t) addresses. To use shielded addresses (z) you’d need to send to a t address on ZecWallet and then from ZecWallet send to a z address.
I think all of your other questions are answered here: https://docs.zecwallet.co/
How do I fund or send zcash to my “z” address?
I have zcash mining rigs. Can I use the receive address of the qt wallet to initially fund it?
How about my existing zcash on my wallets, how do i send it to the “z” address if I did not have mining rigs?
It sounds like the existing balances you have are in transparent addresses and the wallets that they are in don’t support Z-addresses.
So to start using Z-addresses you can create a new T-addresses with ZecWallet. Then ZecWallet will let you send the T address balance to a Z-address.
Thank you very much. It was helpful.
I’ve noticed the zec qt wallet do not have passwords. How is it protected?
ZecWallet doesn’t support passwords because Zcashd can’t be encrypted. It would break encrypted (private) transactions.
Don’t give anyone access to your PC that you don’t want to have access to your wallet.
Ok. Thank you very much!
I sent it from Exodus to ZecWallet t address.
It was sent successfully from Exodus but it’s not showing anything yet on the ZecWallet with 6 confirmations on ZCHAIN.
Do I have to wait until all confirmations are done for it to show on the ZecWallet or did I do anything wrong or missed a step?
Please make sure ZecWallet is fully synced → Video Tutorials - ZecWallet Docs
It says syncing but stops there at 8.54 % and slowly going higher.
I’ll wait, it is very slow.
I hope the zcash I sent yesterday will still go thru since when I sent it wasn’t fully connected.
Any advice on how to synced it faster?
It is fine so long as you have the private key for the address you sent to. You’ll just need to wait till you are synced to see it.
There isn’t really another option for faster synching (other than copying the blockchain data from a different machine). How much RAM does your machine have? The speed of the process is quite dependent on the hardware so you may just need to be patient.
I left my computer at home on to fully synced. I’m at work now for 13 hours hopefully it will be done after.
My question now is when it synced this time, will it take that long again next time?
It depends how often you open it. If you open it regularly, you will not notice long sync times.
The best is to let it open at all times so it’s always synced when you need it. If that is not an option, then my suggestion is to try and sync it once a week.
Ok. Thank you very much!
Syncing is very slow.
I only have 8 GB memory on my laptop, I can increase to 16.
Will this be good enough or maybe I need a new one?
8gb worked fine for me, takes a few hours on an i3 laptop, but I guess it depends on what you consider as ‘slow’.
The blockchain is approx 22Gb so there’s a lot to download.
You may be able to speed it up by using the -par and -dbcache options for zcashd, see ‘zcashd -help’ for that.
Hope that helps.
It has been 6 hours but still syncing at 63%.
I’ll try that type of help, hopefully it will work.
Thank you!
Where can I find that help?
Help in the wallet has:
Check github
Where can I find par and dbcahe?
I just checked its not something you can do from the wallet, they are options you have to add to your zcash.conf file.
Here’s what the help says about those options :-
-dbcache=<n> Set database cache size in megabytes (4 to 16384, default: 100)
-par=<n> Set the number of script verification threads (-8 to 16, 0 = auto, <0 = leave that many cores free, default: 0)
You’ll find a .zcash directory in your home folder, the config file is called ‘zcash.conf’
Hope that helps.
I’m not sure how to do it.
Right now I tried to increase the virtual memory of my laptop. Hopefully that will help and not mess up my system.