ZEC Wallet Lite problem

Hello, I wanted to send ZEC today via ZEC Wallet Lite. First I could not get in, because some servers were offline. With the community server it worked. I sent the rest of the ZEC on, received a TXID. Shortly, the transaction appeared via Blockchair, but disappeared again after about 10-20 minutes without confirmation. Now it looks like nothing actually happened and the balance is still on the actual sender ZEC Wallet.

My idea then was to simply copy the wallet seed to YWallet, however that doesn’t seem to work. Unfortunately I can’t copy out my private keys under the Wallet>Export all private keys tab either, nothing opens.

Does anyone here have an idea what I could do now?


There’s an ongoing issue specific to zecwallet light and the server which is why nothing opens and you can’t get your keys. It seems to be intermittent perhaps and you should try again every so often to see if it works.
Otherwise, the seed should restore the balance assuming that it is contained in one of the 3 default addresses. If you’re funds are contained in ‘New’ addresses that you created, then they have different private keys. If they’re in orchard then there are no private keys, and so you have to use the seed. The Ywallet sub account option will allow you to regenerate those keys.

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Why? What happens?