ZF bids farewell (but not goodbye) to Dan!

@decentralistdan joined ZF nearly three years ago, in the newly-created role of Ecosystem Relations Manager. During his tenure at ZF, he was embraced by the Zcash community, who recognized his enthusiasm and deep commitment to Zcash.

One of Dan’s primary responsibilities was fostering relationships within the Zcash ecosystem, convening conversations, and ensuring that diverse voices were heard. Dan excelled in this role of facilitating productive conversations and collaborations, notably Zcon planning and execution, ZCG and grantee support, and countless community calls including the Arborist and Light Client Working group.

Dan’s departure is bittersweet for ZF because while he will no longer be part of our team, we are thrilled that he will continue to be actively involved in the ecosystem in a different capacity at the Electric Coin Company!

On behalf of everyone at the Zcash Foundation and the broader ecosystem, I want to thank Dan for his contributions to the success of ZF, and for advancing Zcash conversations. We look forward to continued collaboration, and we wish him the best of luck!


We are giddy about @decentralistdan joining the ECC team! :tada::tada::tada: We’ve admired his work for years. He’s got a heart and an zeal (no pun) for this Zcash community that is inspiring, and we’re looking forward to leaning on him in a role that we’ve needed at ECC for quite some time.

Starting Sept. 1, Dan’s responsibilities (in collaboration with other ECC team members) will include strategy and execution for day-to-day comms and social, web, product and marketing campaigns, and developer/community engagement.

Meanwhile, at the end of this month, I will step away from ECC as an employee to spend more time focusing on my brand design and messaging agency, Adjy. My team and I will still be working closely with ECC on creative execution and special projects — the stuff we think we’re good at — and supporting Dan, Josh, and the rest of the team. So you’re not getting rid of me. ; )

@decentralistdan, enjoy a couple weeks of rest and relaxation. Come Sept. 1, you’re going to be busy! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Dan has been an invaluable asset to the Zcash Community Grants committee for nearly three years. He was initially brought on to support the committee, serve as a liaison between ZCG and the Zcash Foundation, and manage administrative tasks like coordinating and scheduling meetings. However, Dan did so much more.

To say he exceeded expectations would be an understatement. Dan managed his ZCG support role effectively, contributed ideas, strategy, and research to the committee, and offered valuable insights on grants. We often refer to him as the sixth member of the ZCG committee.

In addition to ZCG, Dan and I have worked together on various other initiatives, including the Decentralizing Digital Task Force, ZecHub DAO, and co-hosting Dev Fund Twitter Spaces. Dan is a dedicated member of the Zcash community and someone who collaborates seamlessly across the entire ecosystem. He engages effectively with ECC, ZF, and ZCG, as well as community groups like ZecHub, Zcash Brazil, and the ZKAV Club. While I’ll miss him being part of ZCG meetings, I’m glad we’ll continue to work together on other projects and initiatives.

@decentralistdan, thank you for your hard work and commitment to ZCG. Congratulations on your new role, and we wish you continued success. ECC is lucky to have you on board.


Great news! Dan has always been one of the best!

Congratulations, brother! :rocket:


A huge thank you from all of us at Zcash Brazil!

From ZF <> ZecHub to ZKAV Club, your work has brought us closer and driven our mission forward.

As you take on your new role at ECC, we know you’ll continue to do great things. We’re excited to keep working with you and can’t wait to see what’s next.

Obrigado, Dan! Zcash Brazil is always behind you!


Congrats in your new role @decentralistdan !! you’ve been an incredible partner in Light Client Working Group, your companionship and ideas helped make the workgroup become a solid collaboration hub. You supported me within my wallet community developer role in so many ways that I’m really grateful for. It’s great to know that you will be staying in the Zcash ecosystem joining ECC. I undoubtedly believe that you will achieve great things there as you have when you were in ZF.

When I paraphrase “Let’s be the Zcash we want to see in the world” I do so thinking in folks like yourself

Best of luck for what’s next to come



What a great news! :clap: :clap: :clap:

@decentralistdan is a great guy, and it’s great to see him continue to grow within our ecosystem.

I’m sure you’ll continue to do a spectacular job, @decentralistdan !


Congratulations @decentralistdan , I could not think of a better person suited for the job! :partying_face:


I am honored & blessed to have been able to work at the Zcash Foundation for the last 3 years & for the opportunity to continue contributing to the ecosystem in my new role at the Electric Coin Company.

I started in Zcash as a zodler & lurker, slowly getting more & more involved in this amazing community. It started with following the governance process around ZIP-1014 closely, and then deciding to run for the inaugural ZOMG committee . After not being elected I decided to throw my hat in the ring for becoming a community mod here on the forum. And was lucky enough to have the community vote me into that role, and have been a mod ever since.(I will be staying on as a mod going forward.) After that I decided to submit my pet project ZcashZeal to ZOMG in early 2021.

All of these things led to me eventually applying for and ultimately being hired by the Zcash Foundation, which was an absolute dream opportunity for me to be able to work full time in the Zcash ecosystem, for which I will always be grateful.

In my role at ZF I had the opportunity to contribute to 3 Zcons, help launch the 1st ZconVoices with the ZcashBrazil team, participate in the launch of ZecHub with @januszgrze, collaborate alongside @ryan.taylor on the creation of the ZF A/V Club, & help steward the idea of ZCG moving under FPF. Working on all these initiatives and many other things under the leadership of @Dodger, with the amazing comms & opps team (@Alex_ZF, @Danika, @elisehamdon, @Autotunafish, & D!) & the whole ZF staff was truly an awesome experience, & I look forward to continue collaborating with you all going forward.

Another major highlight for me during my role at ZF was the chance to help support and collaborate closely with first ZOMG and eventually @ZcashGrants. Working closely with ZCG members @aquietinvestor, @GGuy, @wobbzz, @BrunchTime, & @ambimorph has been amazing & I am so grateful to them for including me in their squad. I can’t wait to see them continue to support the ecosystem in the new hybrid deferred DevFund model under @FPF.

& now I have been given another dream opportunity to stay contributing to the Zcash ecosystem, just across the street, and to be able to work at ECC. A big thank you to @joshs, I can’t wait to get started in a couple weeks and work closely with you, @adjychris, @peacemonger, @Andrea, & the whole ECC team.

Thank you all for the kind words & sentiment!



Love you man, good luck!


Amazing news, congratulations! I am so happy for your opportunity at ECC and wish you the best in this new journey!


I. Can’t. Wait. :raised_hands:


Excited for your next adventure! :shield: :zebra: :hearts:


@decentralistdan deserves all this praise and more! it makes me very happy to see the community responses to this news. What a wild ride. Enjoy the transition and newness of it all, Dan. You’re a freakin rockstar.