Anyone else hanging out for some luck?!
Round Progress: 510.58 %
Yes I don’t know what to make of this! I have 24 GTX 1070s hashing away and and for 6 hours no payment again. This is starting to happen way too often
Over 150 blocks have been found since the last one came in on Suprnova
It’s a relatively small pool, sometimes we’re lucky, sometimes we’re not…
I get that – just had to share the painful watch
And there we have it… huzzah!
If your account has been locked automatically for security reasons; please make sure that your used mail is not listed here:
If it is, make sure you have a really secure password, better close the account and use a new address to register on the pool.
You can still unlock your account by solving a captcha by going here:
Took a while but we get there! Not sure it was down to luck though, seemed way too long a wait
hello ocminer.
last week we are being quite unlucky with blocks, my earning are on average ~10% less vs what-to-mine calculator on weekly basis.
any issues with the pool these days affecting performance?
another question - from genesis of ZEC Suprnova was top-3 pool, now loosing advantage to competitors on YTD, esp last 3-4 month. Are you going to address this somehow, probably with marketing and rethinking the added value given to miners to boost size of your pool?
my best regards,
is there any way to download full info on all transctions in my account to review it in Excel?
Any of you guys having issues connecting to the pool? My rig gets “Stratum authorization timeout” error message when I try to connect. I’m using EWBF connecting to EU backup server.
Yeah , for awhile there it was racking up rejected shares for me, and then just refused to connect w/ the strat auth timeout error.
seems to be OK now, I hope we find a block soon!
Just solved this by restarting my router. Although, I feel that there really is something wrong. Also having difficulties connecting to the API. Anyway, what’s important is my miners are working now. Shame about the blocks though!
agreed, but it is what it is… I think the worrying part is that the frontend is not particularly responsive so it’s easy to infer that there’s issues with the pool when it’s really just kind of unresponsive stat display + bad luck
edit: aaaand site is down for upgrades 2:01 CST
Yesterday I earned 0.02ZEC with my 850Sol/sec rig on pool
Today my rig earned only 0.01ZEC for same 24 hours.
There were no any disconnects. Is it okay such a big difference? Is luck so important on this pool or what?
On flypool I have stable 0.015ZEC per 24 hours.
so 0.02 and then 0.01 and on the other one 0.15, so the average…
now stop working server timeout
I did not get you what do you mean?
working only maybe server problem.
I stop mining too. not working US/UE/CN
zec-eu had a problem and is working again now !