Suprnova's ZCash Pool

can you fix worker idle notification. Last week i saw, that is not working again.

Is it working now ? Please let me know.

25 AM
no change at all…i keep getting the below screen repeatedly. i had firewall turned on, tried turning off and gave a shot…still doesnt work. I have the latest macbook pro 2016. Please help

Hey @Uche32 i keep getting disconnected i use macbook pro 2016, can you help me with what i am doing wrong? Here’s the screenshot.

about supernova zcash. Do you know if i run multiple different rigs with same worker id is a problem? I mean instead of using each workerid for each rig

shouldn’t be a problem. you just lose the overview and it’s almost nonsense, but I guess it will give sense for you

hi, I see you are an experienced guy in the subject. I would like to contact you to ask some questions about modern miners and maybe even collaborate in choosing the best one. For a reasonable reward of course

Hi, I am new at this so I hope this is not a too stupid question, for several hours my earnings were 0, the round progress was stuck at 290% and the round earning est was also 0, it changes a couple minutes ago, but what would have caused this?

is ‘x1’ the actually password?

I am able mine via CLI for some reason GUI does not work.

My round earning dropped to 50% since 6 hours ago, and just drop to 20% at this hour. Is there a whole farm just join Supernova?

Yes, you now get less per round but more rounds… so it evens out

1 Like

It seems like it. I hope this will reduce the chance of stuck in a long round, too. If so, maybe overall income could increase.

I am new in ming suprnova i try to checkout yesterday and today but none of them on my zcash account i can the checkout confirm but nothing arriving .
I use a manual checkout with a T account
could someone please explain


Transactions are ok

Suprnova ZCash server death again every week problem :frowning:

So…What’s going on now? I can’t log in with EWFB.

@ocminer I contributed a whole lot of power yesterday on one round that was stuck for many hours. None of it has been accounted for, nothing in round stats, no transactions and 0 balance. What’s going on?

No issues here currently, did you rent at nicehash? I’m having quite a few tickets/issues with hash rented from there

But your dashboard was showing I had 1.5M shares in one round yesterday and
nothing has been confirmed