Zcash Pool- Zcash.flypool.org

Flypool disabled that feature quite some time ago, so unless they reenabled it, the difficulty passed in the password parameter is ignored.

yes, this is still the way to go.



Is there a current problem with the pool?
pool’s homepage shows 15.5 mh/s vs 22 mh/s it had for a while.
My rigs are also showing 25-30% decline in what pool shows vs what local rig shows, although 100% shares are valid.
I have shares (columns) intermingled with the absences of shares (empty spaces)
What is going on?

Look at the statistics tab for the pool. It seems China has been having issues on and off today.

Thanks, i see it, maybe unrelated…i am not in China.

Well, a significant amount of the pool’s hash rate is in China, and they had several outages today, so the pool hash rate dropped hard several times.

I do not understand what is payout scheme do you use?
It is no PPLNS.
I have buy mining power on nicehash 2 times.
1st order from block 70520 it is ends at 21:39:56
i have startted at 21:27:51
and to block 70529
9 bloks at network and 5 of them flypoll
and i wgot about 2 ZEC in 11 rounds

2 order from block 70538 it is ends at 22:18:24
i have stardted at 22:13:31
and to block 70548
10 block at network and 8 of them flypoll and by stats of pool 1 block find by me
and i wgot abot 1.5 ZEC in 4 payments rounds

and 1 and 2 share at stats pool

So how it can by?

How can you justify that I mine with 973-980 on a 100ms accept timr and your pool shows an average of 880? Stealing shares again?

Hey @peter_zcash,

I like to test your pool with nicehash.com,
but I have this ugly difficulty message, can you help me, or someone else?

on the server mining, don’t seem to be seeing anything hit my wallet. help here? new to all this, using zcash macminer ver. 4

Use password 18000 than will be ok. But at order will be red rej all but at pool will be ok.

deleted this post…


I am renting from Nicehash right now and I cannot change my settings since it is asking for my IP address. I checked my personal miner and the IP address does not match the one in the Flypool account. I am guessing it is from Nicehash but I really do not know. Can you override this or is there anything I can do?

Thank you

UPDATE: Nevermind the settings changed to what my IP is. I will let you know if this happens again.

Hi, Falcon9e
I have the same problem like you.
I have been mining almost 8hours and received only 57 shares but my GPU is constatly mining with 150hs/s whats wrong with it. I am not talking about my 2 CPU workers but ok they ve got just 12logical proccesors with 3hgz.

Can someone explain what the issue. I dont think zcash flypool is stealing valid shares. I hope so

Here is screen of my dashboard and output from mining CLI especially look at the hasrate graphs…
As i can add just one screenshot i put it both pictures into one…

It looks like your miner is submitting invalid shares, as seen in your miner log. Please create a support ticket with our helpdesk so that we can follow up with your issue.

Thanks for reply I appreciate it. Its look like it was problem on my site. As far as I keep mining now its looking good. To be honest this pool is great. Good job sir

Hi lolzzs,
How did you fix your issue. I mining at around 600 sol/s but am only getting around 30 shares.

Is flypool having a problem paying out atm ? The last payment I had was almost 1 day ago. I have currently set my payment amount to be 0.1 ZEC - I am averaging about 0.65 ZEC so I normally get a few payouts a day. I am currently about 0.5 ZEC short - any ideas ?