March Zeal Call - Tues, 3/31

Our next Zeal Community Call will take place Tuesday, Mar. 31st at 11 am MST/ 1 pm EST. This call is geared towards a more technical audience. We will be joined by two guests this month.

Aditya, ZecWallet: @adityapk00 will talk about lessons learned building shielded wallets and discuss the latest wallet update.

Jean-Paul Calderone and Chris Wood, Least Authority: Least Authority, a privacy and security firm, will be sharing their research on Zero Knowledge Access Passes, ZKAPs which attempt to solve the issue of privacy-preserving payments. They’ll dive deeper into the functionality of Privacy Pass and ZKAPs, understand what changes were made, and how these can be used for other use cases.
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Zeal Community calls are scheduled once a month and cover a range of topics such as guest speakers from other privacy organizations and occasional technical AMAs. Register here for the monthly calls.


Cool, looking forward to it! I tried looking ZKAPs but I couldn’t find a paper or abstract. If there are any available it would be great to share them here so people can do some reading beforehand and ask good questions! :slight_smile:


Hi Barbra - thanks for your interest! The Least Authority team has a blog post on this subject, they are going to be posting the link soon. Stay tuned.


Hi Barbra
As of now there isn’t a paper or abstract, this concept originated from PrivacyPass then we adapted some functionality of Privacy Pass for the intended specific use in Tahoe-LAFS. It’s still in development and we hope to put out a paper but don’t have exact plans around this yet. You can read more about ZKAPs and how it came about in this blog post. We will also have slides to send out after the talk.

See you there! Let us know if you have any other questions.


Dope, thanks for the links @tanyakarsou and welcome on the forum. Looking forward to the Zeal call :slight_smile:

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